jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009

The first term of 2009 was really awful for me because I dint like any of the classes that i was taking. They were about stuff that I dint like or that im not interested in. Apart of that, all was pretty good, I mean my friend, family. Of course the most important thing happen in the first term of 2009, and that thing is my birthday which is in March, and this year was really important because was the first time in my life that I spend my birthday with my friends and not with my family, because there are not from Santiago so my friends did the part of my family that day it was really neat.Now talking about sport and free time activities I did, well, actually I don’t have free time activities maybe play guitar, just read something or spend insanely to much hours on internet but that’s all, now talking about sport the last semester I had to take physical education class, not because I wanted to it was because I HAD to, I’m not a really a sport woman so I barely pass , but I did pass so im really happy about that, it was a real challenge