martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

For me being Chilean is not that big of a deal, I’m Chilean just because I was born here but is not something that I am showing off. There are some main characteristics of our country like the culture, the landscapes, the food, sports, etc that are really amazing, but like everything they have good and bad things, for example, our culture in so many ways its beautiful like our national dances (cueca, Tirana, trote,etc) also I think that we can be characterized like a happy culture ,we have that outgoing personality and also we are really empathic we make people feel like home but there is a part of our culture that isn’t that good, we are really lazy people, we always try to take advantage of everything, especially in the center of the country there are a lot of thieves even in other countries we are known like thieves, so I could say that I feel ashamed of this part of our culture. Something that I really feel proud of our country is the landscapes, they are beautiful and unique, I don’t think there are a lot of countries that have mountains and ocean near as we have in here, also we have everything from desert on the north to tundra to the south, the desert in the north is amazing is so beautiful and peaceful and the forest in the south are just surprising. Well there are a lot other thing that I could talk of this country but I’m running out of space


I think that the transantiago system has been a big problem and i really believe that the government has showed preoccupation on this matter, but I can’t say too much because I am not from Santiago so I didn’t use the transantiago system when it started but I could tell you that I watched the news and seem pretty chaotic and now I have never seen something like on the transantiago so I imagine that things are going better. I am not saying that the transantiago is a good system, Im just saying that it has improved, on my respect this system has a lot of failures that need to be fix, like there are a lot of unnecessary buses on the street , and sometimes you can be waiting for a bus almost an hour and then 3 buses pass by at the same time and always one is full and the others are empty, I think that both problems could be solved just with a little bit of synchronization, also another big issue is the people that don’t pay, I don’t know what could be a solution on this because I’ve seen some guys that don’t pay (specially near to college) and they look really scary its obvious why nobody says something to them, maybe a possible solution is have a policeman on the bus or a security guard but obviously this is expensive. I hope that the transantigo system someday get better.

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

I would like to go...

It is difficult choose only one country that I would like to go, I prefer just say the whole world. Meeting new cultures, costumes, and specially people.
So I can tell that there are a lot of countries that I want to go but I’ll write about the two that are more interesting for me.
The first country that I would like to go is the Borneo Island. This is third largest island in the world and its one of the most important hot spot in the world also known for its large virgin forest, that’s why I would like personally make a research and found new species.
Another place that I would like to go, it is Paris, but this place I would like to go just like a vacation trip more than a study or work kind of trip. I would love to visit the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral. I would like to visit a lots of coffee shops specially “Le chat noir coffee” which it used to be the old Le chat Noir cabaret, I’ve been always interested on it. Also Paris is known for its bohemian nights, go out and clubbing, meeting new people sound really entertaining to me.
I hope someday I could go to this places and more, but for now I will just think on my English class.