martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

For me being Chilean is not that big of a deal, I’m Chilean just because I was born here but is not something that I am showing off. There are some main characteristics of our country like the culture, the landscapes, the food, sports, etc that are really amazing, but like everything they have good and bad things, for example, our culture in so many ways its beautiful like our national dances (cueca, Tirana, trote,etc) also I think that we can be characterized like a happy culture ,we have that outgoing personality and also we are really empathic we make people feel like home but there is a part of our culture that isn’t that good, we are really lazy people, we always try to take advantage of everything, especially in the center of the country there are a lot of thieves even in other countries we are known like thieves, so I could say that I feel ashamed of this part of our culture. Something that I really feel proud of our country is the landscapes, they are beautiful and unique, I don’t think there are a lot of countries that have mountains and ocean near as we have in here, also we have everything from desert on the north to tundra to the south, the desert in the north is amazing is so beautiful and peaceful and the forest in the south are just surprising. Well there are a lot other thing that I could talk of this country but I’m running out of space

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Mile!!

    how are you? I didn't see you today.
    Is true, Chile have many places very beautiful, where one can know places very intresting and very differents.
    I agree with you about the thieves here, it's something that ashamed.
    Well, see you tomorrow!

  2. For me being Chilean is not that big of a deal, I’m Chilean just because I was born here but is not something that I am showing off. There are some main characteristics of our country like the culture, the landscapes, the food, sports, etc that are really amazing, but like everything they have good and bad things, for example, our culture in so many ways its beautiful like our national dances (cueca, Tirana, trote,etc) also I think that we can be characterized like a happy culture ,we have that outgoing personality and also we are really empathic we make people feel like home but there is a part of our culture that isn’t that good, we are really lazy people, we always try to take advantage of everything, especially in the center of the country there are a lot of thieves even in other countries we are known like thieves, so I could say that I feel ashamed of this part of our culture. Something that I really feel proud of our country is the landscapes, they are beautiful and unique, I don’t think there are a lot of countries that have mountains and ocean near as we have in here, also we have everything from desert on the north to tundra to the south, the desert in the north is amazing is so beautiful and peaceful and the forest in the south are just surprising. Well there are a lot other thing that I could talk of this country but I’m running out of space

    good! I agree with you sometimes I dont feel very proud of being Chilean.
    Be careful with paragraphing. I mean some senteces are too long, and when there is a positive idea you need a paragraph and there is a negative one, another paragraph ok?

    p.s. you got a 6

  3. For me being Chilean is not that big of a deal, I’m Chilean just because I was born here but is not something that I am showing off. There are some main characteristics of our country like the culture, the landscapes, the food, sports, etc that are really amazing. But like everything they have good and bad things, for example, our culture in so many ways its beautiful like our national dances (cueca, Tirana, trote,etc).
    Also I think that we can be characterized like a happy culture ,we have that outgoing personality and also we are really empathic, we make people feel like home. But there is a part of our culture that isn’t that good, we are really lazy people, we always try to take advantage of everything, especially in the center of the country there are a lot of thieves even in other countries we are known like thieves, so I could say that I feel ashamed of this part of our culture.
    Something that I really feel proud of our country is the landscapes, they are beautiful and unique, I don’t think there are a lot of countries that have mountains and ocean near as we have in here, also we have everything from desert on the north to tundra to the south, the desert in the north is amazing is so beautiful and peaceful and the forest in the south are just surprising. Well there are a lot other thing that I could talk of this country but I’m running out of space
