miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

I would like to go...

It is difficult choose only one country that I would like to go, I prefer just say the whole world. Meeting new cultures, costumes, and specially people.
So I can tell that there are a lot of countries that I want to go but I’ll write about the two that are more interesting for me.
The first country that I would like to go is the Borneo Island. This is third largest island in the world and its one of the most important hot spot in the world also known for its large virgin forest, that’s why I would like personally make a research and found new species.
Another place that I would like to go, it is Paris, but this place I would like to go just like a vacation trip more than a study or work kind of trip. I would love to visit the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral. I would like to visit a lots of coffee shops specially “Le chat noir coffee” which it used to be the old Le chat Noir cabaret, I’ve been always interested on it. Also Paris is known for its bohemian nights, go out and clubbing, meeting new people sound really entertaining to me.
I hope someday I could go to this places and more, but for now I will just think on my English class.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Mile! :D
    I would like Paris too! for the style of life of the people in this city. Moreover, I had french in the school and I love it!, this subject was once of my favorites.
    The Borneo Island is a very interesting place too.

    I hope you are well!

    See you!


  2. mile!
    I really like Borneo Island too, for everything what it means for the biodiversity and specially for the orangutans!

    take care, byeee

  3. It is difficult choose only one country that I would like to go, I prefer just say the whole world. Meeting new cultures, WW costumes, and specially people.
    So I can tell that there are a lot of countries that I want to go but I’ll write about the two that are more interesting for me.
    The first country that I would like to go is the Borneo Island. This is third largest island in the world and its one of the most important hot spot in the world also known for its large virgin forest, that’s why I would like personally WW make a research and WF found new species.
    Another place that I would like to go, it is Paris, but this place I would like to go just like a vacation trip more than a study or work kind of trip. I would love to visit the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral. I would like to visit a lots of coffee shops specially “Le chat noir coffee” which it used to be the old Le chat Noir cabaret, I’ve been always interested on it. Also Paris is known for its bohemian nights, WF go out and clubbing, meeting new people sound really entertaining to me.
    I hope someday I could go to WW this places and more, but for now I will just think on my English class.
    well that´s actually one of the purposes in the class i think... anyway, for next time you can choose only one place and then explain more points from it...

    p.s. you got a 6.5

  4. It is difficult choose only one country that I would like to go, I prefer just say the whole world. Meeting new cultures, custumes, and specially people.
    So I can tell that there are a lot of countries that I want to go but I’ll write about the two that are more interesting for me.
    The first country that I would like to go is the Borneo Island. This is third largest island in the world and its one of the most important hot spot in the world also known for its large virgin forest, that’s why I would like personally do a research and find new species.
    Another place that I would like to go, it is Paris, but this place I would like to go just like a vacation trip more than a study or work kind of trip. I would love to visit the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral. I would like to visit a lots of coffee shops specially “Le chat noir coffee” which it used to be the old Le chat Noir cabaret, I’ve been always interested on it. Also Paris is known for its bohemian nights. Going out and clubbing, meeting new people sound really entertaining to me.
    I hope someday I could go to these places and more, but for now I will just think on my English class.
