viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009

Learning another language is an interesting, useful but difficult thing to do. Since we need to communicate, people are expected to learn different possibilities to keep in touch and share opinions, ideas, tendencies, even bussiness. It is impossible, in our globalised world, that people escape of being connected; and in these days, it is also impossible to consider workers, students or any person without having studied a little of english language. Here it is where english appears, as one of the most important language around the world, and as one of the most indispensable skills in order to develop in a personal, academical and proffesional way.

My first impression regarding english language was not quite good. From my point of view, it was necessary but not imprescindible and it was one of the reasons why I got bad marks at school; so when I started studying it at the university and I started to face the classes and the difficult contents I thought:’it is going to be the same than at school’. Fortunately, it has not been in that way, and I have learnt to think about english as a kind of investment that, for sure, will be an advantage in the future.

Beyond that, learning different languages means to know different cultures as well, and that is one of the thing that i love the most about english
It might sounds not original or boring to say that english has the power to unite the world, but without doubt, the bridge given by the knowledge of english, make people realize of the diversity we live inmersed and the necessity of being one big community. We do not live alone, we belong to a enormous kind of neighbourhood where communication is that important as to breathe.

To sum up, it is important to say that english at university should be obligatory for everyone, because it will be helpfull to our live and in the development of our career. Someone that have the hability of speak a english is part of a big group of people from many different countriesthat speak it, and this, as i mentioned before, is important in the sence to create a unique and unite world.

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