jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

The situation in the faculty is poor, I think they don’t have any organization at all, and they have a lot of problems with the elective classes. For example, even the Study secretary doesn’t understand what we have to do with the elective classes. Also I hate the treatment that the secretary has toward to the students, sometimes they don’t take us seriously and they even make fun of us when we ask something. I hope that someday these things will be improved, but this may take a few years.
The first thing that I would do it is change the Study Secretary because I think he doesn’t respect us as students, and he doesn’t do his work properly. Then I would try to do some reorganization to better inform the students about the things that are happening inside the faculty. Also, I would take out the electives. I would make them be not obligatory because they take a lot of our time. Some of these electives are useless: they don’t have anything related to our career and they take time that we have to study for tests that are related with our subject. If we resolved all these problems the faculty would be more organized, would be easier to solve some problems, and would be easier to get to the solution if somebody actually cares about what we said. Finally, if the elective issue could be resolved we would have more time for studying.

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