viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009

Learning another language is an interesting, useful but difficult thing to do. Since we need to communicate, people are expected to learn different possibilities to keep in touch and share opinions, ideas, tendencies, even bussiness. It is impossible, in our globalised world, that people escape of being connected; and in these days, it is also impossible to consider workers, students or any person without having studied a little of english language. Here it is where english appears, as one of the most important language around the world, and as one of the most indispensable skills in order to develop in a personal, academical and proffesional way.

My first impression regarding english language was not quite good. From my point of view, it was necessary but not imprescindible and it was one of the reasons why I got bad marks at school; so when I started studying it at the university and I started to face the classes and the difficult contents I thought:’it is going to be the same than at school’. Fortunately, it has not been in that way, and I have learnt to think about english as a kind of investment that, for sure, will be an advantage in the future.

Beyond that, learning different languages means to know different cultures as well, and that is one of the thing that i love the most about english
It might sounds not original or boring to say that english has the power to unite the world, but without doubt, the bridge given by the knowledge of english, make people realize of the diversity we live inmersed and the necessity of being one big community. We do not live alone, we belong to a enormous kind of neighbourhood where communication is that important as to breathe.

To sum up, it is important to say that english at university should be obligatory for everyone, because it will be helpfull to our live and in the development of our career. Someone that have the hability of speak a english is part of a big group of people from many different countriesthat speak it, and this, as i mentioned before, is important in the sence to create a unique and unite world.

As a veterinarian we have to confront many challenges. In this essay I will write about three different challenges: education, technology and social matter.
I think that one of the principal challenges that we have to deal with in my discipline is that we have to maintain the practice of studying our whole lives; constant education is key to being able to keep serving as a doctor. The field of medicine (human or animal) changes very quickly; there are new investigations and discoveries every day, and we have to keep up with them. But I believe this challenge makes this career more interesting and exciting. So the only solution for this is to keep studying. If you like the career, this shouldn’t be a problem.
The next challenge that I will describe in our discipline relates to technology. In veterinary science there are a lot of different areas and each one has its specific technology. Thus, we need to be a specialist in just one area, because we can’t learn about every technology. Just as in education, technology also develops very quickly. Therefore, we have to be constantly informed in order to know what is on the market or what it is the latest technology that is out there.
And finally, another challenge that we have in our discipline is the social matter. As veterinarians we don’t just interact with the patients, but also we have to interact with their owners. After all, the owners are the ones who pay us. An important fact is that to diagnose our patient we actually have to ask a third party, the owner, what is going on with our patient, has the patients been eating, sleeping, or acting normally lately? This can be a major challenges because owners sometimes lie to us or hide some symptoms that they saw, or sometimes owners just don’t believe us and they do what they think is correct even though it may be worse for the animal. I think this is just a problem of owner education. As veterinarians we have to learn how to relate to a whole spectrum of people with different levels of education and a variety of cultural backgrounds and try to convince them that we know what we are doing and try to built trust between the veterinarian and the owner.

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

The situation in the faculty is poor, I think they don’t have any organization at all, and they have a lot of problems with the elective classes. For example, even the Study secretary doesn’t understand what we have to do with the elective classes. Also I hate the treatment that the secretary has toward to the students, sometimes they don’t take us seriously and they even make fun of us when we ask something. I hope that someday these things will be improved, but this may take a few years.
The first thing that I would do it is change the Study Secretary because I think he doesn’t respect us as students, and he doesn’t do his work properly. Then I would try to do some reorganization to better inform the students about the things that are happening inside the faculty. Also, I would take out the electives. I would make them be not obligatory because they take a lot of our time. Some of these electives are useless: they don’t have anything related to our career and they take time that we have to study for tests that are related with our subject. If we resolved all these problems the faculty would be more organized, would be easier to solve some problems, and would be easier to get to the solution if somebody actually cares about what we said. Finally, if the elective issue could be resolved we would have more time for studying.

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

At the Tokyo University of Science a group of scientists was able to grow functional teeth from stems cells that were planted in the mouth of mice.
This is a really important step in the stem cell studies because this is the first time that a full organ has been developed; the next step could be replacing organs that have been damaged or lost. Up until now, this technology has been limited to replacing little parts of tissues into animals.
The experiment that is described, in the paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, consisted of first removing the upper first molars from five-week old mice. After that the scientists wait three weeks to transplant the germs (stem cells) into the jawbones of the mice after confirming that there were no remaining components of the tooth root. These stem cells had all the instructions necessary to grow a tooth. Also the cells were marked with a green fluorescent protein which was used to track the genes in the buds which grew into fully formed teeth with the usual structures. Additionally these teeth were as hard as normal teeth and had nerves that responded to pain stimulation.
From this the study said that we can assume the technique could provide a prelude to "the ability to grow new, fully functional bioengineered organs inside the body from stem cells or other germ cells”

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

My favourite animal (in general) is the clouded leopard; it is a feline that lived in the south of Asia. In its skin has marks that look like clouds, this marks have different colours which depends in the sub specie that we are talking about. This feline it is a really good climber, because most of its prey lives in trees; for this, it has a long tail witch it gives its balance, this characteristics make it a really agile animal.
I found this animal, because I had to make a dissertation about Borneo and the animals that lived there, and one of those animals was the Bornean clouded leopard, and I felt in love with it (and with the specie in general), I started to research about it and I found it a very interesting animal. This animal it is really beautiful, It has an amazing colour, it’s like a dark purple with dark brown marks, in the only place of the world that it exists is in Borneo, the scientist haven’t describe its behaviour because of the animal's secretive nature, but they assumed that it is solitary creature, I hope some they I will describe its behaviour.
Why I like it? I have personally always loved felines, but these types of cats are special, they are like the king of the jungle plus trees, they are strong, mysteries, fast and beautiful.
All this characteristics make it an amazing animal.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

First of all, I could say that I’m a foreigner myself; I’m not from other country but I’m from another region. So I will talk about what places that some of my friends (that have lived in Santiago since very little) had taking me. The first place that I visit here with my friends was “Barrio Bellavista” and I loved the place, I love all the pubs and the happiness around there, but you have to be careful, because there are a lot of thieves and street fights.
Also a friend took me to the downtown, we went to shopping to Banderas, and then we walk to Parque Forestal, there we visit some coffee shops and book stores, everything was beautiful and was really different from the downtown in despite of being very close.
A place that I discover all by myself was Patronato what such a wonderful place, especially if you are a shopoholic like me, every tourist should have that place in their list of “must do”.
Something that a tourist should do is going to a theater like matucana 100, San GuinĂ©s Theater or many others, they aren’t that expensive and you could have a really good time in there. Something that sometimes I do with some friend is going to see a movie or just go to a museum like the Modern Art Museum. Also Santiago has lots of concerts, some of these concerts, nobody knows about them because they have really bad publicity but they have really good little bands that have amazing music. All these things are the ones that make me love Santiago, there are a lot of thing to do, even if you don’t have any money.
This is a city that doesn’t sleep.

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

For me being Chilean is not that big of a deal, I’m Chilean just because I was born here but is not something that I am showing off. There are some main characteristics of our country like the culture, the landscapes, the food, sports, etc that are really amazing, but like everything they have good and bad things, for example, our culture in so many ways its beautiful like our national dances (cueca, Tirana, trote,etc) also I think that we can be characterized like a happy culture ,we have that outgoing personality and also we are really empathic we make people feel like home but there is a part of our culture that isn’t that good, we are really lazy people, we always try to take advantage of everything, especially in the center of the country there are a lot of thieves even in other countries we are known like thieves, so I could say that I feel ashamed of this part of our culture. Something that I really feel proud of our country is the landscapes, they are beautiful and unique, I don’t think there are a lot of countries that have mountains and ocean near as we have in here, also we have everything from desert on the north to tundra to the south, the desert in the north is amazing is so beautiful and peaceful and the forest in the south are just surprising. Well there are a lot other thing that I could talk of this country but I’m running out of space